Book your surfing holiday now!
If you are looking for a windy place to surf, you have hit the jackpot. The Dakhla lagoon is a world class windsurf spot for all levels from beginner to professional. Close to the beach there are perfect flat water conditions while further out the water is choppy. It is the best playground to learn your first chop hop or even the latest freestyle moves.
The famous speed spot situated right next to the freak windsurf station dakhla will give you:
NE is the main wind direction – the average wind speed is 15-25 knots in winter, in the summer month you can even expect more then 30 knots.
Outside Temperature: from December to March: 20-24 and from June to November 23-25
Water: December to May around 21 and from June to November around 24
Founder and owner of Freak Windsurf Dakhla Attitude
He is a passionate Windsurfer for more then 25 years .
15 years ago he opened with his girlfriend Davina the Freak Surfstation in Palekastro/Crete/Greece
With his family he lives between Dakhla, Palekastro and London.
Dakhla is an incredible windsurfing spot with an average of 330 windy days per year! The main wind direction is northeast. Thanks to the flat water lagoon wind speeds are varying between 15 – 25 knots. In July and August speeds above 30 knots are common. Air temperatures are topping at 25°C in August and range from 20-24 °C for the rest of the year.